Be More Productive in Class

Random Lake, WI, USA

Rent: 123

Bedrooms: 5

Bathrooms: 1

SQFT: 123

City: Random Lake

State: WI

Zip: 53075

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Prepare before class. Sometimes you just need to have the right mindset before you can pay attention. Before class starts, try looking at, reading your textbook, or looking at your notes from the day before. This can put your brain in "class mode" so it will be easier for you to concentrate.

- Getting ready by getting everything you need and organizing your desk can also help you focus. This will reduce distractions, such as having to borrow a pencil, because your mechanical pencil ran out.

Find a better environment. Changing your environment or things around you can actually help you focus. This doesn't just mean getting rid of distractions, although this can certainly help you too.
- Just sitting in a different place can help you focus by changing what you can do in that seat. Sitting up front, for example, can help you focus because you will know that the teacher is watching you. Sitting away from your friends can also help, because you won't be physically able to talk to them as much.

Participates in class. Participating in class can also help you focus. Participation keeps your mind busy and focused on the class, as you cannot fall asleep or think about anything else. Anything you can do to get involved, from asking questions to being part of a group project or discussion, can really help.

- Make questions. A good way to participate in class is to ask questions. When you have a question about something you don't understand or the teacher said something and you want to know more about it, raise your hand and ask. Even just concentrating enough to hear some things that you want to ask questions about can help you pay much more attention.

Take notes. Taking notes can help you focus on what the teacher is saying, even if you don't think you will need the notes to study later. If you can use the notes, then so much the better! As your teacher talks, make an outline with some notes on the really complex topics. You'll be so focused that you won't even have time to realize it.

Do some additional research. Sometimes you lose focus in class because you can't understand what your teacher is saying. This is normal and understandable. If you do additional research so you can better understand your class, it will likely make it easier to pay attention. At the very least, learning outside of class can make up for the fact that you have a hard time paying attention. You can find more information on almost any topic in various places online. Even wikiHow can help you with something.

- For example, if you have trouble with math, try going to the “Math is Fun” or “Wolfram Alpha” website for help.

Develop a routine. Not paying attention is actually a bad habit. Like any other habit, you can eliminate it by replacing it with another. Try to create a system where you focus in class, making that time just for school and learning, but give yourself moments of relief where you can have lots of fun. By teaching your brain what time of day is appropriate to do something by following a routine, you can train your brain to pay attention.

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