Set the right rent with Rentometer
Rentometer uses up-to-date rent data from similar properties in your area to provide realistic rental rate projections. Real estate investors, property managers, and other real estate professionals identify the right rent price for their property by using insights from Rentometer.
Quickly evaluate rent prices in your area
Instantly check nationwide rent prices with our QuickView reports, which include:
- Average and median rent prices
- Direct link to rent prices in your neighborhood
- Map of nearby rental comparables available to download
Get the full picture of your rental market
The Rentometer Pro Report provides a detailed analysis or your rental market, including:
- Rental analysis summary
- Downloadable rent comps with detailed property reports
- Public record data for further details on the subject property
- Option to custom brand your report with a Rentometer Pro subscription
See Rentometer in action
Watch this video below to see how to best utilize Rentometer when researching rent prices:
Start using Rentometer today
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This article was written by the Rentometer Content Team. The Rentometer Blog features fresh takes and insights on rental housing topics, services, and technology.