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August 7, 2017

Having a blog for your property management company can be a great way to direct traffic to your site and to create a presence in the digital marketplace. While many different companies are doing the same thing, the trick is to carve out your very own niche when it comes to blogging and to create a space that is just for you.

Use an Easy Blogging Site

There are hundreds of options for creating simple, professional-looking blogs. While you may already have your own website and can piggyback your blog onto it, you may also want to look into options like Wordpress, Blogspot, or Squarespace to easily and quickly create the blog of your dreams. Each of these options has pros and cons, so choose the one that is best for you.

Pros of Blogspot: easy to use, blog-focused

Cons of Blogspot: old-fashioned

Pros of Squarespace: easy to use, helpful tools

Cons of Squarespace: $25 a month, limited options

Pros of Wordpress: easy to use, free

Cons of Wordpress: charges for extra options

Read Other Property Management Blogs

A good way to know what information is out there is to stay up to date on the other blogs similar to your own. Updater has a list of the top 9 property management blogs, and you can easily find others by searching for them. Property management is a hot topic now, and it is important for you to understand what people are reading and what they are saying so you can create a blog that will be in demand.

Be Consistent With Your Posts

Though you may feel you need to post every day in order to get your blog noticed, this actually isn’t true. What’s more, those who start by posting every day are often unable to keep up the momentum of doing so. Instead, it’s best to post one or two times a week and then to be consistent on the days you post. A headline that reads “Updated every Monday and Friday” will let your guests know when they can expect new posts, but again, it’s important to be consistent.

Create Posts People Want to Read

You want your posts to be generic enough that everyone can connect with them but not so generic that they don’t have anything real to say. Try to find a happy medium, and at the end of each post, you can plug your business. Make sure to keep a notebook or a file on your computer where you list ideas for blog posts whenever you get them.

Consider Hiring a Blogger

It may be in your best interest to hire someone to take care of your blog for you. There are many professional freelance bloggers who can work for a flat fee per blog post. These individuals will be able to create personalized articles for your blog that are well written and focused on SEO. Having this option can make it much easier for you to run a blog and a business, both of which can take up a lot of your time.

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