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January 19, 2023


What is Street View?


Street View allows you to get a better sense of the surrounding area of your potential investment property. Whether you’re in a state or searching across the country, it's a great feature to see property types and what kind of area you are investing in.


Rentometer Street View



How to Use Street View


We've integrated Street View into our PRO Report analysis so you can easily explore the area around each property you search for. We've also added this feature to each rental comp so you can further examine properties most similar to yours.

  1. Sign up for a Rentometer Free Trial or PRO account and go to the Rentometer homepage.
  2. Enter an Address, rent amount, number of beds/baths, and click Analyze.
  3. In the Rentometer Pro report, the street view icon is located in three spots. One above the QuickView rent rates, one on the sample listings map, and another next to each rental comp listed.
  4. Click the Street View button to the left of the street address (the orange person icon), and explore the property's exterior and its surrounding neighborhood.


Why Use Street View


Street View is a great feature to get a feel of the area where rental properties are located. This is a helpful tool for investors to analyze potential property investments remotely before visiting in person. You can get a feel for the neighborhood and the current condition of the exterior of your property by using this feature. It’s also a helpful feature for confirming what type of property you are considering investing in (single-family, multifamily, condo, apartment, etc.).

This feature is one of the many helpful data tools that Rentometer provides its users. Each Rentometer plan includes detailed information on your rental property or market in our full PRO Report.

Rentometer PRO

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