Average Rents in Long Beach, California

Last Updated: January 2024


Rentometer has compiled a list of rent prices in Long Beach, California from our database. Please note, rent prices can vary by building location, age, condition and other factors.

Long Beach, California rent prices for apartments:

The average rent price for a one (1) bedroom apartment in Long Beach, California is $2,123.

The average rent price for a two (2) bedroom apartment in Long Beach, California is $2,964.

The average rent price for a three (3) bedroom apartment in Long Beach, California is $3,666.

Long Beach, California rent prices for single-family rentals (SFRs):

The average rent price for a two (2) bedroom house/SFR in Long Beach, California is $2,897

The average rent price for a three (3) bedroom house/SFR in Long Beach, California is $4,135.

The average rent price for a four (4) bedroom house/SFR in Long Beach, California is $5,291.


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