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Rentometer Blog

Featuring fresh takes on rental housing topics, services and technology from Rentometer's team of real estate experts
2019-10-08 15:30:25 UTC
To make a property habitable and safe, the owner is responsible for the maintenance of plumbing, sewer, gas, and electrical systems.
2020-10-20 15:15:05 UTC
Real estate investments are gaining popularity in recent years, and there is a good reason why. This type of investment offers lucrative options for return and has a series of benefits.
2020-01-08 14:01:33 UTC
Most people know there are questions you should ask about an apartment/home rental property…but are there questions you should not ask about a rental property?
2022-04-07 13:42:45 UTC
The best way for any property manager or landlord to find average rents would be to get an app with built-in rent estimator tools.
2021-09-17 14:05:42 UTC
The fact is that property reports can only deliver so much information. A rental meter that is part of a rental listing app can provide much more focused data to help you set your rental price without undercharging your renters.
2018-02-06 14:20:05 UTC
If you decide to become a pet-friendly landlord, utilize these key tips for making the experience the best possible for you and your tenants.

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