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You have a booming business selling rental properties. You might just be getting started, but of course, you don't see yourself stagnating all through. You have plans for growth! You want to reach out to people out there; not just reach out but to the right audience and in the right manner!

What better way to market yourself than through Instagram! With the social platform now taking over the industry, surpassing Twitter in aggregate users at 400million, you can rest assured that your product will reach a sizeable portion of your market. 25% of the total users are in the United States creating a relatively broader opportunity for marketers in the states!

But maintaining followership on Instagram is not quite the easy ride. Not only for individuals but also for businesses and large firms; it takes more than just word of mouth to maintain your followers!

You have to keep them posted, frequently, and your posts have to carry value! There has to be a message that you’re constantly sending to your users. As such, desperate people have incorporated desperate measures to get likes; to get a larger follower-base! We don’t really need to get into depths; I’m sure you understand me!

Not you, dear reader. You don’t have to use dubious means to publicize yourself.

Something as simple as an appealing Instagram bio is sure to get you your results. Ask how; we’re here to show you how.

Strategies for Killer Insta-bios

  • Tell them exactly who you are and what you do: - A sure way to get an audience is telling your story. Include a succinct description of your company, what service or product you offer, what value do you bring to the market and why you not your competitors? Give them a tangible reason and clear conception of who you are. You can also include:
  • Do you have compliments/ substitutes and if so which products have to be used together with another?                
  • Where do I (customer) learn more about your company? 
  • Have fun with your audience: - If your target market is the hype type, as is with most Instagram users, entertain them. Include a joke that leads them to your page to find out the punch line. On your page, endeavor to continue in the same spirit you had begun with. Include more jokes or fun facts that give them more value to your product and service. Bring some life by adding emoticons at some stages. These also help show your personality. But only do so if your target audience is likely to respond positively.
  • Entice through new promotional offers: - Seduce your customer through exclusive offers likely to generate traffic to your site. Remember you might not get the desired profits at first, but if you are the patient type, then you are the type we are talking to right now. Furthermore, this is not a one-night result scheme. It might take time, but you can be sure as hell it will yield results. Quotes from inspirational figures and moguls could also go a long way to kick-boost your market, especially if the personality is from your particular industry.
  • Commanding authority through social proof: - If you are not an up-start and already have a large following base or something to show, make sure they see it. If for instance, you are Instagram-approved; you will master more attention if your audience can see that. They will grow curious as to how you reached there; briefly tell them. Make sure you use your achievements to gain more and to your own advantage.
  • A call to action: - Issue out a command or a directive. Probe people to do a particular thing; maybe buy from you, or sign up to your page, the list is endless. Make sure people understand the advantages of heading to your website; otherwise, you will have zero traffic.
  • Post consistently and include correct hashtags: - Let your hashtags tell your story for you. You can use hashtags such as #ExclusiveHomes to create interest. Whichever you choose to use, let it captivate and have captions for your photos. One final piece of instruction, post consistently! We don’t need to give much thought to that, do we?

Extra Tips for Great Content on Instagram

Instagram is a sure way to get tenants safely, but there is certain know-how you need to pry through before you achieve your desired results. Nevertheless, it can be disappointing if you don't approach it in the right manner.

You might decide to approach this in the fun and exciting perspective if your audience allows it. But you still want to maintain authenticity and professionalism. Therefore, let your story be in real time; that is to say, avoid events that took place 5-10 years past. You want to appear as trendy and up to date, therefore, ensure your business always has a story to tell.

Maximize on Amazing Images

Being a visual platform, maximize on amazing images. Let them, however, be real and if possible, easily linkable to your product. You can enhance the image or video quality through the use of filters. Do not overdo it, however, as you will be in a high likelihood to appear false and unoriginal. Let your captions be as sweet as the images you decide to use, or as thoughtful.

Engage your Audience!

You are on Instagram, after all, to reach out and attract renters to your property. Relate with them one a one-on-one basis. Leave hashtags in your comment section to continue the conversation and to enable the new market to access you through search engines. Go through the comments noted down or have someone do that for you.

You can get help with your writing and reply tasks if you do not want to handle it yourself by seeking the services of professionals who usually offer help from their site. If you find this necessary or efficient, go for it!

Tag Your Location and of the Images You Use

The mission is to inform people about your activities, don't shy off sharing your location, which is the business location.

Go Professional!

You are a business; you want to approach this in a professional manner. So why not go for a Business Account on Instagram? Note: the account is not yet available to everyone but if you can access it, waste no time! This allows you to directly promote posts from your app and provides access to extra tools such as Instagram Insights, which is specifically designed to interpret your audience for you and give you tips to manage them better.

10 Unique Instagram Bios

  • Pottery Barn: - Include a customer hashtag and encourages shopping from their account’s feed. This makes the shopping experience for their customers’ pretty fly.
  • Flowers for Dreams: - Use their bio to give information on their charitable accomplishments. This gives customers a sense of achievement and proud since their purchases have made positive contributions.
  • Adobe: - Adobe uses their bio to promote a monthly theme. This diversity has worked for them over the years.    
  • Bleach London: - Appointment-based hair styling firm that issues out specific instructions to customers seeking to employ their services.
  • SoulPancake: - This firm uniquely incorporates their mission statement in their bio combined with their latest video. You can be sure to understand this soulful firm as soon as you access their bio.
  • Gerard Adams: - The renowned founder of Elite Daily personalizes his Instagram bio. He outlines his current and past work, a tagline and so much more. Check him out to get a vivid picture.
  • Oreo: - We both know what Oreo is! So instead of giving more descriptions and information on their product, Oreo use their bio to promote some contests and time-specific promotions. Offer them what they cannot resist, and they won’t.
  • Vans: - If you a billion-dollar firm like Vans, you probably have different brands, products or services. Use your bio to promote all different brands, since you want even sales. Don’t create traffic for specific brands at the expense of others. Find a means to balance it off!
  • General Electric: - You might be a technical company, a creator-kind of a company. It is wise to keep your audience posted on your creations. General Electric reflects their latest innovations in their bio. Keep them notified on what's keeping you in the market and the progress you've made so far.
  • Halo Top Creameries: - Remember when we said to tell them who you are and what you do, you can further issue deeper and more specific information. This company, for instance, includes calories and natural ingredients used in their products.         


In summary, Instagram is an approved method to engage customers. Apart from the application of killer images and interesting videos, you can spice up your feed through alluring bios. For unique bios, you need to describe your own story in a unique manner. Make use of appropriate hashtags and add catchy captions.

You can take a step to share content beyond your property, but directly relatable. Pay much attention to detail while posting consistently if not daily. Above all, get out your phone or tablet and get started now!

With all this information, what’s holding you back from doing that right now?

Author Bio: Jake Lester is an essay writer that is currently writing about various spheres of life. The most recurring themes he covers are education, writing, and marketing. He has his own writing style and this is why he is appreciated by readers. You may look through Facebook, Twitter & Google+.

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